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Tuesday 1 October 2024

8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Hope Beacon Hill
11 Hazel Street, Upper Hutt

Talofa ni, malo ni, Kia orana, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Malo e lelei, Malo lava le soifua manuia

Ni sa bula vinaka, Fakatalofa atu, Noa’ia, Mauri, Halo olaketa, Namaste, As-salaam 'alykum Kiambote, Hallo, Kamusta, Selamat datang, Ni Hao, Ola, Ia Ora Na, Hello, Tena koutou katoa​​

Our Practice at NET Trust presents our inaugural bi-annual ‘Ōfania’ symposia beginning with building our connections with those who work in primary mental health and addictions focused on maternal/paternal mental health during the perinatal period for parents, caregivers of Pasifika newborns to five years.

Our inaugural symposium features as our keynote speaker

Dr Claire Achmad

Te Kaikōmihana Matua | Chief Children’s Commissioner

Mana Mokopuna | Children and Young People's Commission.

Register now by email for your free spot 

email with full name, role and workplace.

Please note spaces are limited, first come first serve. 

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